How many students attend Auburn Elementary?
As of our official September 2017 count; we have 500 students enrolled in our Full Day Kindergarten-5th grade classrooms at Auburn Elementary.
What enrichment programs are available to students who attend Auburn Elementary?
As part of the Bay City Public Schools, Auburn Elementary students participate in Physical Education, Music, Media, and Art programs. Special Needs and Gifted Education programs are options available for students, who qualify, through the Bay City Public Schools.
How do Auburn Elementary students perform on the Michigan Educational Assessment Program and Michigan's Ed YES! school report card?
Auburn staff and students continue to focus on their performance on the Michigan Student Test of Educational Progress (M-STEP). As part of the Michigan Department of Education accreditation process, 37% percent of our students received a proficient rating on Math and 43% English Language Arts (M-STEP) assessments during the 2016/17 school year.
**Can my child take medication at school?**If your child will need to take medication at school, during school hours, there are procedures that need to be followed. No medication can ever be transported to and from school by students. This is an adult responsibility. A medication form, available in our school office, will need to be completed prior to medication being given at school and signed by your child's doctor for both non-prescription and prescription medications. Examples of non-prescription medications include aspirin, pain reliever, cough drops, allergy or anti-itch creams, etc. Prescription medications will need to remain in the prescription bottle received from the pharmacy. All medications are administered, in the school office, by school staff.